Ceramic Veneers and Laminate Veneers.
The smallest change in your smile can lead to serious changes in your psychology, the relationship between human beings and can even influence on your social status.
Laminate veneers, what is it? (Laminey, Lamine is also used as Lamina). While correction of problems with teeth, which spoil the appearance, Ceramic laminate creates a perfect cosmetic solution. With laminate veneers you can smile confidently.
Laminate veneers are ceramic plates that are mounted on the outside of the tooth. It is one of the most conservative (protecting) methods of treatment. In order to carry out treatment using laminate veneers the tooth must be minimally prosected to 3.7 ml. And then the veneers are prepared in the desired color and form, and then cemented. Veneers are aesthetic, because they are very thin and not based on metal structures. Crowns, made of ceramics, are very thin, and consist of a single semi-transparent layer. They are made with perfect accuracy and similarity of a certain tooth, and only then placed. The outer surface of the tooth and the inside of the crown are stuck to each other with unique rubber glue, thus providing a strong attachment.
In what cases treatment with laminate is used? Laminate can be used in veneer valves, in order to change the color and display the picture to some extent. Used areas can be presented in the following sequences:
- In cases of non-result in use of staining, bleaching (whitening), in case of occurring nagging spots and changes of color after use of antibiotics, fluorite, and other drugs.
- In case when teeth are at a distance from each other (diastema)
- In case of restoring of broken and erased teeth
- While restoration of old fillings with the changed color and shape,
- When correcting oblique and curved teeth (as an alternative to an orthodontic treatment) can become the cosmetic alternative close to ideal as much as possible.
Who can be treated by the laminate treatment? It’s possible to say that everybody!!! Any person at any age, complaining of the above-mentioned reasons can use laminate treatment. Only in cases with an anomaly of the jaw, or bad habits of patients, such as nail gnawing, biting pen or in the presence of gum disease, the use of this treatment is not desirable. Your doctor will give the final verdict on this problem.
What are the stages of clinical application of laminate treatment in brief? First, your tooth is prepared for the procedure, all the excess are cleaned from the surface. Then, to obtain a complete copy of your tooth, it is measured. Plates are prepared from ceramic material for attaching to your teeth. Finally, as a bonding system laminates are mounted with rubber (adhesive mass) to the tooth.
Whether laminates are durable? Properly care of the oral cavity with laminates allows using them for a long time without problems. Because, in comparison with other bonding systems, they are made of more durable ceramic. Laminates are more reliable to destructions and dirt. To increase the viability of the laminate, it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity, to avoid such bad habits as nail gnawing and biting too hard foods.
What are the advantages of laminate veneers? When you can’t smile with confidence because of rottenness, destruction, damage or anomaly of structure, you having taken the advantage of this method, can give to your teeth natural beauty. In the past, fillings and crowns were used as only solution in such situations, now laminate treatment can be used as a great alternative. The advantages of this new method: - By means of small interventions in a very short period of time healthy and natural looking teeth are acquired. - Your tooth is turned to width not greater than the width of the nail plate, or not turned at all, - It is made from strong, with non-perishable and durable color substances - To get the desired aesthetic appearance of your teeth, without damaging the natural tooth structure is possible only with the help of veneer laminate. Perfect results can be achieved without any changes on the surface of teeth, or just a slight change. Thickness, on which tooth is grinded will never exceed 0.3-0.7 mm. Therefore, there is no need for grinding (decrease) the tooth. - Laboratory part of the treatment lasts only 3-4 days. At the end of this period, you can smile safely and with confidence with your artificial teeth fully improved to your face.
-We take a copy of your teeth with which you are not satisfied and thus create a modified, improved version on the model. So, without touching your teeth, we are able to show how to change the model of your teeth and smile after the treatment. - Because of ceramic surface being very smooth , stone formation and stains from cigarettes and similar spot forming substances reduced to a minimum. -External factors such as coffee, tea, and cigarettes can’t affect the color change. - As the material is very fragile, when fully attached to the enamel, resistance to the forces of gravity and tension increases. Simply put, well attached veneer can not be completely removed. Only with diamond friezes the surface of the tooth can be eroded - Resistance to partial destruction is at the high level.
What are the negative properties of a laminate veneers? - From the point of view of health, in comparison with other restoring remedies, it exceeds them. But on other hand, in comparison with others it is more expensive system.
- It is a very delicate work. So it must be prepared at a very high level in the clinic and laboratory. Professional skills and comprehensive knowledge of medical and dental technician in this area are crucial.