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M.Sc.Dr.Khagani Huseynov
Huseynov Khagani Isa was born in Sharur Region of Nakhcivan AR in 1979. In 2001 he graduated dentistry faculty of Azerbaijan Medical University. In 2001-2002 he worked in endodontology field in Trabzon, Turkey. In 2001-2005 worked as a dentist in his private dentistry clinics (Khagani Dental). In 2005-2006 he completed a specialization course on Oral surgery and Implantology in Post-diploma Education Academy in St.Petersburg under the coordination of Professor Aleksey Vasilyev. In 2006-2010 Dr.Khagani Huseynov completed the course of Esthetics in Implantology by Ata Anil in Istanbul, the master –classes on composite restorations in Chukhaven, Esthetic Composite Restorations by Prof. Dan Fischer in USA, “Fast and Fix” courses by Prof.Lank in Munhen two times, Esthetic Vinier Lamina course by Galib Gurel, the course of Immediate Loadings and ring operations by Orjan Yuksel in Frankfurt, the courses of Augmentations in Israel and Sweden. In 2011 he completed the course of esthetic composite Restorations by L.Vani in Italy. In 2011 Dr.Khagani Huseynov got a master degree on laser stamotology in Achen University of Germany. In 2011-2012 completed the courses of Paradontalogy in Ankara Gazi University under the coordination of Prof.Atesh Parlar. In 2008 Dr.Huseynov established a dental clinic “Esthetic Dish”. He is the chairman of the Academic Society of Esthetic Dentistry (EDAD Baku). Married. He has two daughters.
Chief doctor Natavan Khuseynova
Dr.Emil Imanov
Imanov Emil Elbrus was born in Sumgayit in 1983. In 2004 graduated dentistry faculty of Azerbaijan Medical University. In 2005-2006 completed a specialization course on Oral Surgery and Implantology in Graz Medical University in Austria. In 2009-2011 he completed short-termed courses on implantology in medical universities and private clinics of Freiburg, Ulm, Nurnberg cities of Finland and Germany. He is the co-author of the tutorial “Local anesthesia in dentistry” published in 2009. He is the founder of the theoretical and practical journals of “Dentistry” and “Dental Implantology”. In 2012 Dr.Emil Imanov translated the book of “Fixed Orthopedic Dental Restorations” written by Rainhart Markskors, the well-known German orthopedist, into Azerbaijani. In 2006-2011 he worked as an oral surgeon in Sumgayit city hospital №2. Since 2008 Dr.Imanov works as an oral surgeon in “Implant Esthetic Dentistry Centre”. Since 2011 he works as an oral surgeon in the clinic “Esthetic Dish”. Dr.Emil Imanov is the deputy chairman of the Academic Society of Esthetic Dentistry (EDAD Baku). Married. He has two sons.
Dr. Vugar Panahov
Dr.Vugar Panahov Asaf was born in 1986 in Baku. He graduated dentistry faculty of Azerbiajan Medical University. He works in “Esthetic Dish” clinic since 2008. In 2009-2011 Dr.Vugar Panahov actively participated in the conferences of Academic Society of Esthetic Dentistry (EDAD) held in Istanbul. In 2010 he completed L.Vanin’s Esthetic Restoration course in Moscow. In 2011 Dr.Vugar Panahov completed Prof.Lorenzo Vanin’s theoretical and practical course on “Conservative Restorations in Frontal Teeth” in Italy. He is the member of the governing body of Academic Society of Dental Esthetic (EDAD). Married. He has a sun.
Dr. Elsever Suleymanov
Dr.Elsever Suleymanov was born in 1984 in Masalli region. He graduated the dentistry faculty of Azerbaijan Medical University in 2008. Dr. Elsever Suleymanov works in the “Estethic Dish” clinic since 2008. In 2009 he completed the course on “Laser in endodontia” in Medica Dent clinic in Istanbul. In 2010 Dr.Elsever Suleymanov completed L.Vanin’s course on Esthetic Restorations in Moscow. In 2011 he has completed the course on 3D implant planning of in Planmeca Company, Finland. Married. He has a daughter.

© Dental Diagnostic Centre “Estetik Diş” 2009-2013 
Address: Baku, Az1052, Mullah Juma st., 26A/23 
Tel: (+994 12) 564 38 39;(+994 12) 511 50 76 
Mobile: (+994 51) 846 26 26 
E-mail: [email protected]

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